Tuesday, October 31, 2006


50-vuotisjuhlani jarjestetaan 28.11. Tullipakkahuoneella Kokkolassa 18-24. Lahjojen sijasta vieraat juhlivat illalliskortin kautta. Hinta varmistuu, kun yksityiskohdat saadaan selville. Tiedossa ainakin ihanaa tangokuninkaallista esiintyjakaartia:)
Ilmottautumiset 0500-869068 ja anne.yrjana@fimug.fi. Teemalla "Elamisen sietamaton keveys", nyt on tilaisuus myos pukeutua tavalla, jota ei ennen ole uskaltanut kokeilla. Mukaan ei tarvitse tulla pakkopullana, vaan tiistai-illan huumassa elamaa naista vuosista kiittaen.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Election photos

Pariin otteeseen olen kuvannut seurakuntavaalien ehdokkaita. Kokonaisuus on yhtenainen, kun kaikki on kuvattu samassa studiossa.

Don't forget engagement photos

My colleague Juha Laukkanen recently posted engagement photos. It would be so much fun taking more of them. You'll see how exhausted Sanna and Jarkko were after this shoot.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Nina Lahti, graduation

It is normal to have your graduation photos taking later than in June. Today we worked together w Nina from Kronoby Highshool.


Paulina and Kim Forss

My new window display shows some collages from the Bridal shoot of Paulina and Kim.

Leena's confirmation portraits

Relatives get their photos last: my niece Leena had her confirmation day in June and I finally finished the photos. This is one of them.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Östmans

The 2nd of Sept was a busy day, after the Savelas in Esse (Ahtava) I rushed to Kokkola and Halkokari to find the beautiful backgrouds for this couple, before they sailed away for their wedding. Of course we had a surprising rainshower in between the shoot.

Uploading problems

For some reason some photos don't "want" to be uploaded. This was one of my favourites of the Windischhofers' portraits.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Heta and Jussi Goos

Heta and Jussi were photographed in August, a couple of days before the wedding.

Helena&Markus Savela

Helena and Markus wanted to be photographed on their wedding day. This September Saturday was sunny and we had to control the light carefully.

Mari and Richard Windischhofer

We had a cloudy and rainy day when we photographed Mari's and Richard's bridals - but we had fun and got beautiful results-

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Photos from Ykspihlaja shop

Movie set

Some ixus-snapshots from making of the movie (Author)

Birthday coming up

My 50th birthday is coming up in November. More details on the blog later.
Marraskuussa tulee tayteen pyoreita vuosia. Kutsu ja juhlatietoja blogissa, kun ohjelma tasmentyy.

Vanhoja arkistoja lunastettavissa

Digiin siirtymisen takia, vanhoja nega-aikaisia arkistoja voi lunastaa:
-ylioppilas- ja rippinegat 10 euroa
- haanegat 20 euroa
- vuoden 2002 digihaat cd:lla 50 euroa
- studiolle jaaneet paperiset mallikuvat euron kappale

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Shopping till you drop

Tempting shopping experience

Hong Kong has still wonderful shopping opportunities, both to a photographer and a petite woman

Saturday, October 14, 2006

HK-photographers at work

I allways have drinks at Stanley beach pubs and this time was lucky to catch some local guys doing "my thing". Unfortunately they didn't have their businescars in their pocket. Photographers are trying to shoot weddings in a more relaxed way. Often a really long time before the wedding to have the album ready my then.

Meeting colleagues

I tried to meet some colleagues in Hong Kong. We had coffee with Anthony Ho and he showed me some of his work and told about weddings in Hong Ko

Monday, October 09, 2006

Into filmstardom

Before your 50th birthday you want to be a millionaire or a filmstar. The latter came true for me: I play Siiri, a shopkeeper in a movie called the Author. It's a student project in my hometown Kokkola. This is what we were doing today.

Ennen 50-vuotispaivaansa ihminen haluaa toteuttaa salaisia unelmiaan. Tanaan sain olla elokuvanayttelijatar, Siirin roolissa elokuvassa Kirjailija. Kirjailija on Keski-Pohjanmaan Aikuiskoulutuskeskuksen kunnianhimoinen opiskelijatyona tehtava elokuva.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

More albumpages