SWPP&BPPA convention, Coventry 13.-15.01
I was one of the representatives of our Finnish Photographers Association in the Coventry Convention. The best part, of course, was meeting my Digitalweddingforum friends, Melanie from Ireland and Helen from London
I allways want to have my photo taken with DWF-benevolent dictator Jeff Caplan. He flew all the way from N.Y. to net-work with us European members
David A Willams from Oz became instantly a special guru for me, I attended his masters class and the other lecture as well
We had to have a picture of us (me, Gordon, Anna Kaleva -Tsagklas) before Gordon and his wife come to Finland
This is how we handle wedding photography from now on, Gordon McGowan from Scotland is coming to lecture us Finns in March. He became the Photographer of the Year in the Coventry Convention
David Guthrie is one of my original friends from DWF, I spent four days in Bradford watching him slaving with his work, making brides and grooms jump, walk, laugh and kiss:)
Hauskoja kuvia hauskoista ihmisistä hauskoissa paikoissa! Tietää paikalla ollut...
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